Swimming Tips, Help & Advice

Are you in need of some swimming tips and help with your basic technique? Maybe you're learning how to swim and something is holding you back. You have come to the right place...


I'm Mark Young,

author of The Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming and How to Be A Swimming Teacher and creator of Swim-Teach.com.  I offer an online swimming help service for anyone with any questions about their swimming stroke and general swimming needs, and it is FREE.  

Fill out the form below with your message and I will do my best to reply to you personally and give you the most appropriate advice I can based on your problem or question.

Before you do though, have a read below as you will most likely find the answer to your swimming problem right here at Swim Teach."


Get over to Facebook and join the Swim Teach group where swimming teachers help beginners learn how to swim.

Come on over, upload your videos of you swimming and get some tips and advice.  


Are you learning to swim?

Are you a beginner just starting to take swimming lessons?  Do you find you always sink and just can't float at the surface? You swim along and find yourself getting out of breath very quickly?  Below are some of the most common areas that beginners find difficult. 

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Swimming tips for a certain stroke?

Do you have a specific swimming stroke problem?  From front crawl breathing technique to breaststroke leg kick to the physical demands of butterfly stroke.  You will find everything you need to know about the four basic swimming strokes and each of their component parts.  

The swimming tips in these books are made really simple.  Click on a swimming stroke or book to find out more.

swimming tips for front crawl or freestyle
swimming tips for breaststroke
swimming tips for backstroke
swimming tips for butterfly

Are you a swimming teacher?

Are you a swimming teacher learning how to teach swimming?  Everything you need is in my book How To Be A Swimming Teacher. Got a specific teaching related issue?  You can call on my many years experience to answer all your swimming lesson problems and pupil related problems as best I can.

Got a question about one of my books?

If you purchased one of my books either from Amazon or downloaded an eBook from this website and have a question to ask me, use the form below.  Maybe you tried some of the exercises out and are not sure what some of the focus points mean. No problem, ask me.  You could even use the form below to tell me how much your swimming has improved!

Ask Me!

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


Questions and requests for swimming help left on this form will be treated as strictly private and confidential.

By submitting a question to me, you agree to your question being published on this site at a later date. Your name, email address and any other personal details will NOT be published.

Names and email addresses will only be used to reply to you by Swim-Teach.com and will not be added to a mailing list or disclosed to any other person or organisation.