Swimming Workouts

Take yourself out of your comfort zone...

Looking for that something extra from your swimming?   Swimming workouts    are a structured way of getting the most out of your time in the pool.   Scroll down to learn more... 

swimming workouts for beginners and improvers

Swimming out of your comfort zone is easier said than done sometimes, but when you have a program to follow, it can help you to get more out of your swimming and therefore your body.

Swimming Workouts for Beginners and Improvers

The swimming workouts available to download here cover front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.  They are designed to take the average basic swimmer out of their comfort zone in order to raise their heart rate and get the most out of their swimming for weight loss. 

These swimming workouts are designed to take your swimming fitness to a new level by making you work harder as you swim.  The three workouts are based around the most common swimming strokes, front crawl, breaststroke and backstroke and you can change and adapt them to suit your level of swimming.

Click a link below for the workout of your choice.  

Relevant PDF file viewing software is required and they are compatible with iPhone and iPad.

These swimming workouts are tailored to help increase and improve your overall cardiovascular fitness and help you to burn calories and lose weight. Swimming uses all the major muscle groups of the body, all at once, which makes for intense cardiovascular workouts (350 to 400 calories an hour), at the same time as giving toning benefits similar to doing a full circuit of weights in the gym. It also feels easier than it is, largely because you do not feel hot in water.

It has been well known for a long time that swimming is one of the best types of exercise for all round fitness.  With zero impact on the joints in the body, it tones up all of the major muscle groups and gets the cardiovascular system working all at the same time.  It is also a perfect way to workout if you are not a fan of the gym or are recovering from an injury. On the other hand, it is important to have a wide variety to your training and swimming offers that extra diversity to challenge your body.

Measure How Hard You Are Working

Most of us that swim on a regular basis do so in our comfort zone, i.e. swimming at a pace and in a way that is comfortable to us at the time. We slow down without really being conscious of it and it only takes a slight increase in that pace and intensity to make all the difference.

If you get out of the pool after swimming 30 or 40 lengths or more and feel as fresh as when you started, or you feel like you could swim another 10 or 20, then you haven’t worked hard enough.  You have most probably been swimming within your comfort zone, therefore swimming gain fitness or to lose weight will not be as effective. 

I’m not saying you have to crawl out of the pool on all fours, clinging on to life - that’s going a bit too far!  But, you do have to feel like you have worked hard.  

Here is an easy way to measure how hard you have worked: 

When you have finished your swim, ask yourself ‘on a scale of 1 to 10, how hard was that?’  (1 being the equivalent to walking slowly along the street not working very hard at all and 10 being the hardest you could possibly push yourself, to the point of complete exhaustion).  Be true to yourself and if you can honestly say your swim was a 7 or 8 then you can leave the pool being satisfied with your swim. 

Remember: the most progress is made outside of our comfort zone – and you can apply that to anything in life, not just swimming to lose weight.  Go for it!

Fine-Tune Your Swimming Technique

Fine-tuning your swimming technique will make you faster and more efficient through the water.  Download my most popular book that contains precise swimming exercises to help perfect swimming strokes.  

The Swimming Strokes Book contains drills guaranteed to improve your front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly stroke.  

Click below to download your copy, or click here for more details

The swimming strokes book for perfecting basic swimming techniques
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