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The best drills to improve front crawl are ones that have the biggest effect on your technique. Listed below are some of the most basic exercises for learning and improving front crawl technique.
These drills are taken from my book 'How To Swim Front Crawl' and they break down the stroke into it's component parts, making learning and fine-tuning it a simple process.
Push and Glide from Standing
Aim: to develop correct body position and shape when moving through the water.
The swimmer can start with arms stretched out in front and pushes off from the pool floor or from the wall with one foot and glides through the water unaided.
Key Actions
Technical Focus
Common Faults
Kicking with Float Held in Front
Aim: to practice and learn correct kicking technique.
Holding a float or kickboard out in front isolates the legs, encourages correct body position and develops leg strength.
Key Actions
Technical Focus
Common Faults
Single Arm practice with a Float
Aim: to practise and improve correct arm technique
This practice allows the swimmer to develop arm technique whilst maintaining body position and leg kick. Holding a float with one hand gives the weaker swimmer security and allows the competent swimmer to focus on a single arm.
Key Actions
Technical Focus
Common Faults
Download a full set of 22 basic drills to improve front crawl, covering body position, leg kick, arm pull, breathing and timing and coordination.
'How To Swim Front Crawl' will have you swimming with smooth and efficient technique. Click below to download or click here for more information.
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